According to the recent 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress study, there has been little or no improvement in U.S. students’ STEM understanding compared to other countries over the last three years.  Teachers, especially, in the elementary years have been reducing the number of hours that science has been taught in order to focus on language arts.  Our educational system is in need of improving comprehension and involvement in literacy and in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).  These two topics are intertwined - one does not need to be sacrificed for the other.  Without literacy students will not have the basis to engage successfully in STEM.  Without STEM, research, space exploration and the technological advancement of our society will weaken even more than it currently has.
The reality is that the average U.S. citizen saw Space Shuttle missions as ‘our space program’ even though the International Space Station (ISS) has been flying and successfully operating for over ten years.  Now that shuttles have been retired the utilization and public awareness of space station must take a priority.  Space exploration is a captivating and motivational way to engage children of all ages and the ISS is an amazing venue to help focus that awe.  The Story Time From Space program addresses all these needs - literacy, STEM, awareness and utilization of the ISS.

 Story Time From Space is implemented as an advocacy STEM project which includes outreach to the National Science Teachers Association, International Reading Association and the Public Library Association.  Additionally, the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) is entering into an agreement with award-winning author Dr. Jeffrey Bennett and Astronaut Alvin Drew to write a series of at least three children’s books based on the ISS.
A CASIS website where the edited video of the on-orbit book reading and science demonstrations are housed is in development.  In addition, existing on-orbit footage is used to supplement the STEM concepts discussed in the books.  A professional development workshop is in development for educators to demonstrate the uses of STEM literacy in the classroom.  This workshop is presented at the National Science Teachers Association, International Reading Association and Public Library Association national conferences.


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